Sunday, January 29, 2012

How Can We Encourage?

How are we at encouraging one another? 
I often think of Hebrews 10:24, especially lately, and wonder how I am doing?  How am I encouraging other believers to continue on in love and good deeds?  Am I doing it myself?  Do we do a good job of that? 
I am so thankful to have people in my life who encourage me to not give up doing good and pursuing love and to do it all out of an overflow of what Christ has done for me.  That is a blessing I don't deserve.  What if people aren't loving and kind? And what if they don't pursue love and good deeds toward you?
I am reminded of Christ and His sufferings.  He took all the ridicule and spite and he had people accusing Him of being someone He was not.  And He was GOD!  And I am having my pity party when I feel misunderstood.  Aye yie yie!  What is man that You were mindful of him and who am I oh God that You would know my name?!  I am overwhelmed all over again at a God who would love me so much that He would send His only Son to die for sin.  And the words of the song echo over and over again, "How He loves us, Oh how He loves us!"
Every time I want to complain or have a pity party, I try to bring myself back to this one amazing truth.  It changes EVERYTHING!  And it doesn't mean I don't burst into spontaneous tears or feel sad.  It just means that in the midst of any day, of any menial task...  from the stinkiest diaper or the naughtiest kid, to the heart break that comes when people do not speak truth about God... I have a living hope that never changes.  The Rock that can not be moved.  I serve a God who plans and perfects every part of the universe!  And yes, He loves me!  Hallelujah, all I have is Christ!  And He is all I need. 
How can we encourage?  Focus on THAT truth, and God will show us. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Random, Hurried Thoughts

There are different times in my life that have thought were so hard for one reason or another.  In this time, when I decided to blog, finally, it happens to be the time when we are taking a little break from cable and internet in my house.  So, even though I keep thinking about blog topics, I have no wifi.  Now, this is not one of the hardest times in my life.  lol  That's easy to figure out.  But for many different reasons it has been difficult.  But here's the deal...  I think back to times when things were super hard and they are some of the most precious times in my life.  With the Lord, with Joe, with our kids.  Sleepless nights, make you cuddle your newborn more.  Having 4 miscarriages led to sweet dependence on the Lord and faithful, earnest prayer with my husband.  Having no internet or cable has led to quite times sitting at Starbucks, doing my Bible study and getting my computer work done.  It's all cozy and raining out and all my men were sleeping when I left.  (I'm sure they are awake now.:)
There is so much I want to share about 1 Samuel.  About how godly parents don't always have godly kids, About how when God calls people to be concecrated to Himself, the requirements of holiness are high!  But I spent too much time studying and now have to rush off to pick up the fam for night church. 
I just didnt want to say I was going to blog and then ignore my blog for a year again. lol  Thanks for reading.  I hope to encourage you in the future through what God is teaching me.  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Place to Share

I have been thinking about this for quite some time.  Sharing more on my blog that is.  It's so easy to do a quick status update on facebook about how I feel, or what I'm learning.  But I have barely done that latley.  My heart is discouraged and I can hear it... I can hear my mom's voice in my head saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  All to say, I don't want the overall tone of my heart to be quick complaints, or vauge thoughts on what I'm learning that no one will understand.  However, God has brought me low in this time.  He has humbled me again as I see my sin and weakness.  And as disheartened as I've been, I AM so thankful!  I am thankful for the reminder that God is the one who makes us poor in spirit and who humbles me for His own glory. (1 Samuel 2:7, Mathew 5:3)  And I do want to give Him glory!  But ONLY because He has graciously turned my heat towards Him.  Otherwise, I couldn't even do that.
So here is what you need to know...
I am honest.
I am learning.
I have much, much more to learn.
And I would like a place to share my heart.  So here goes.